Bucket list

Now that I’m back, I’ve been asked difficult questions: what was my favorite country? My favorite food? My best experience? I didn’t really think in terms of “the best” while I was traveling. Some food have held some importance, such as dark chocolate TimTam in Australia… because I bought them for the end-of-a-hike comfort food,…
Flying home

Day 326 – Vancouver, Canada – Day 327 – Paris, France I know, I know, I’m wrapping up my accounts quite a bit late, even though I backdate my notes! I spent my last days in Vancouver relaxing, shopping a bit, wandering a few places I hadn’t yet visited, such as Gastown and its steam…
Steveston fishing village

Day 323 – Vancouver, Canada I may have written how I met a Canadian couple in Chile who invited me to get back in touch with them when I was in Vancouver -and they actually followed my blog and didn’t forget me. They took me to explore the Steveston, a small town South of Vancouver…

Day 320 – Vancouver, Canada I was hoping for the same nice weather as yesterday, so I went on a long walk along the sea in downtown Vancouver. It held mostly true, though the wind was quite present as well! Walking along the seafront, I was lucky to see a heron waiting for fish in…
Lighthouse Park

Day 319 – Vancouver, Canada Back to walking! Between the hostel’s cheat sheet and the guidebook Solène left me, I had a list of parks with interesting hikes. Lighthouse park came touted with cliffside lookouts, strenuous but short climbs, and great view over Vancouver. Of course, it also include almost an hour’s commute to get…

Day 318 – Vancouver, Canada Even when you travel, sometimes, you have to take care of errands. I started by going to the transit card customer services, because I was charged an extra 5 dollars and I wanted to know why. Seems that it is the airport charges I incurred when coming back from accompanying…
Seattle Art Museum

Day 299 – Seattle, USA Having read that the SAM -the Seattle Art Museum- was free the first Thursday of the month, I had waited today to visit. I didn’t have a clue of the collections, I just thought it would be a nice way to kill an hour or two. I was pleasantly surprised…
Chihuly Glass and Garden

Day 296 – Seattle, USA Today dawned once again clear and sunny, so I took myself to the Chihuly Glass and Garden. What’s a Chihuly Glass and Garden, you wonder? Well, this strange beast is the result of the vision of a glassblower artist, Mr Chihuly, who likes to put his glassworks in strange places,…
Sunday at the beach

Day 295 – Seattle, USA Since the weather was again cooperating, I resolved yesterday’s dilemma by going to the other park, the one with the reputed view over the mountains. Indeed, from the bluff and from the beach, on can see the Olympic Range beautifully. (We are supposed to be able to see the Cascades,…
Arboretum of Seattle

Day 294 – Seattle, USA Having checked the weather forecast for the next few days, I had found out that Saturday would be the best day for an outdoor outing. (Inhabitants of Seattle agree, as I have seen many in shorts and T-shirt while I was considering shedding one of my three outside layers.) So after…