Water management
You know they tell you not to drink any water that doesn’t come from a sealed bottle in Asia. That makes for a costly thirst in weather that makes you sweat buckets and leaves a heavy ecological footprint. Is there an answer to that problem? Patience and purifying tablets. You can’t escape having to buy…
Lunch by the river

Most of my meals in Bangkok consist in browsing street stall offerings and buying here a meat skewer (10 baht), there a slice of watermelon (20 baht). But today I decided to have a sit-down lunch overlooking the river. Pad Thai and mango smoothie on the menu.
The night market
At night, a truck full of what looks like cabbages parks across the street from my window. A light is strung across the top, allowing workers to see and do their work. Two workers stand on the back, strip the cabbage from their outside leaves, and drop it in a huge basket. Other workers make…
Spicy? Did you say spicy?
When they offer “spicy” and “very spicy”, remember that the degrees are not the same than the ones we are used to. Look for “mild” instead, in the hope that it will tolerable! (Look, cat picture coming up!)