Bed mishap

Day 293 – San Francisco, USA Some days you get up on the left foot, as the French say (which means being grumpy). Some days you get down from the top bunk and the rung breaks underfoot, having you fall the rest of the way. Ouch. That’s why I had chosen a listing for a…
How to be 33 hours late

Day 289 – 290 – La Sagesse, Grenada; Miami & San Francisco, USA Today, I was leaving Grenada and wishing I could stay longer. Well, I got my wish. I was dropped off at the airport with plenty of time, I checked my backpack right away, passed the controls, waited at my gate… then came…
Running after a phone

Day 271 – Quito, Ecuador How I ran around today. Going to the post office to send things back to France -“Without a receipt/invoice you cannot send more than three of each kind”-, which includes finding a box and buying tape. Dropping laundry because, laundry day, and this time I had miscalculated, so I wore…

Day 263 – Quito, Ecuador I was driven to the airport last night by the hostel staff to the sound of Indochine, apparently the French band is popular in Peru. Quirky. As usual I was early, but I did the checking in by kiosk, got the tag for my backpack, and in due time dropped…
A day in a bus

Day 259 – 260 – Lima, Peru So… instead of looking for a quick, cheap flight from Cuzco to Lima, I went the long road, the 21h bus ride. For such a long trip, I chose the best company, Cruz del Sur, and took a VIP seat. Extra-wide, leg room, bathroom on the bus, blanket…
San Pedro de Atacama

Day 229 – San Pedro de Atacama, Chile So I’ve finally reached the tourist’s Mecca of Northern Chile, San Pedro de Atacama. For that I missed a bus Monday morning, yesterday, because I hadn’t understood when the lady told me it was leaving from in front of their office, not at the terminal 50m down…
Adventures in Valparaiso

Day 217 – Valparaiso, Chile Today was a series of little frustrations. (Well, the breakfast at the hostel was good, so the day started well.) I took out my nap of the city and decided to tour the area outlined as being a UNESCO Heritage site. I went down to the harbour (very commercial, little…

Day 127 – Sydney, Australia The head picture has nothing to do with the article, I don’t have yet pictures of Sydney. This come from the Wilsons Promontory. The day started well, it had rained all night but the rain washed the camper van. Since it was significantly muddy the day before, I rather appreciated…
Monkey Forest

Day 87 – Ubud, Indonesia So, one of the things to do in Ubud is take a walk in the Monkey Forest. There are important guidelines, of course, such as don’t feed the monkeys, don’t look at them in the eyes, don’t smile (it is seen as aggressive), and don’t try to get anything back…
Odds and ends

When I think of things to share while travelling, I don’t always remember them later: so instead of too many “what was it I wanted to write about earlier in the day?”, I take some notes on my phone. Of course then I don’t always check my phone when writing my daily log, or it…