Category: Adventure

When something interesting happens !

Odds and ends

Odds and ends

When I think of things to share while travelling, I don’t always remember them later: so instead of too many “what was it I wanted to write about earlier in the day?”, I take some notes on my phone. Of course then I don’t always check my phone when writing my daily log, or it…

By Elisabeth 16/08/2018 Off

Useful game

Do you know this game where you have these tiles piled up in a tower and you have to take out as many tiles as possible, one at a time, before the tower falls down, preferably when it’s someone else’s turn? Well, that game is the perfect height to hold a charger up. Because really,…

By Elisabeth 21/07/2018 Off

Capsule Hotel

Capsule Hotel

Day 18 – Da Nang, Vietnam So after spending a few hours killing time in my favorite park in Ho Chi Minh City, with more young people asking to speak English with me, I headed to the airport to get my plane. (I was dropped off by the taxi at the international departures when the…

By Elisabeth 17/06/2018 Off

Sunrise at Angkor Wat

Sunrise at Angkor Wat

The call comes early in the morning, while the night still holds sway. I take the road northwards. More and more people appear, all going in the same direction. Finally, I am almost in a throng of pilgrims, torch in hand, crossing the causeway, in the pre-light of dawn. I chose to go without a…

By Elisabeth 07/06/2018 Off