

10/09/2018 Off By Elisabeth

Day 102 – Alice Springs, Australia

I have three days of adventures and pictures (so many pictures!) to narrate, sift through, and present in an interesting and cohesive way. Woohoo! So that’s taking some time, and I’ll back-publish the articles at the right time but let you know when they are online.

Between the early waking time for three mornings in a row and the walking, today was spent doing a lot of nothing, sleeping in, and some sewing, just because I felt like it. I had seen a gallery of native art textiles, and I finally went in. Basically, it is a fabric shop, but with Aborigine patterns. I want about half the shop, of course, but I limited myself at buying a few pre-cut, small swatches of fabrics in my favourite patterns, and I sewed a pouch for my headphones.

Headphone pouch


I also spent time by the pool, watching as the ducks were telling each other secrets. The water is surprisingly cold, but since we have cold nights and the pool is in the shade in the morning, it shouldn’t be so surprising.

SO, tomorrow, I’ll continue working on my accounts and keep you in the loop.