Bed mishap
Day 293 – San Francisco, USA
Some days you get up on the left foot, as the French say (which means being grumpy). Some days you get down from the top bunk and the rung breaks underfoot, having you fall the rest of the way. Ouch.
That’s why I had chosen a listing for a lower bunk bed and I was unhappy about the listing being wrong.
I have a stretch of lovely purple bruises on my belly from sliding the rest of the way down on it.
But that got me a free taco lunch (and biting into the jalapeño because it looked like a pickle was a very, very bad idea), chocolate butterscotch oatmeal home-made cookies, free detergent for the laundry, and an upgrade into a double bed (bottom bunk) into another room.
Today was supposed to be rainy, so I had planned on a quiet day of laundry and catching-up on my blog and planning the next stretch of my trip and so on and so on.
It didn’t really rain, but my laundry got cleaned, I tried some macaroni and cheese in a box where I shouldn’t have put all the cheese sauce in it, and I worked on catching up and planning stuff.
(Featured above: the houses in the street below the Painted Ladies, coming up tomorrow.)
Pas de chance avec ton échelle! Tu as dû réveiller tout le monde…et te sentir, disons un peu gênée? Ce sont des choses qu’on n’invente pas et qui te feront bien rire plus tard!
Laquelle est la maison où tu loges?