Month: February 2019

A day in a bus

A day in a bus

Day 259 – 260 – Lima, Peru So… instead of looking for a quick, cheap flight from Cuzco to Lima, I went the long road, the 21h bus ride. For such a long trip, I chose the best company, Cruz del Sur, and took a VIP seat. Extra-wide, leg room, bathroom on the bus, blanket…

By Elisabeth 14/02/2019 Off



Day 258 – Cuzco, Peru Instead of going back straight to Cuzco after Machu Picchu, I had decided to stay an extra night in Aguas Calientes -sorry, Machu Picchu Pueblo. If I had a knee mutiny yesterday, today I was feeling the aches and pain everywhere! Using only one trekking pole gave me muscle aches…

By Elisabeth 12/02/2019 Off

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu

Day 257 – Aguas Calientes, Peru Finally, Machu Picchu, one of the highlights of my trip! When I arrived last night in Aguas Calientes (nowadays called Machu Picchu Pueblo), the town at the foot of Machu Picchu, I made sure to have my bag ready so as not to wake up the other inhabitant of…

By Elisabeth 11/02/2019 Off

Sacred Valley

Sacred Valley

Day 256 – Aguas Calientes, Peru This the start of my three days-two nights tour. Today is the visit of the Sacred Valley. (Pictures here.) Note: we are still around 3,000m above sea level. I’m lucky to be acclimated, not headache, no dizziness, no shortness of breath left beyond the normal exertion. San Pedro de…

By Elisabeth 10/02/2019 Off

Room mayhem

Room mayhem

Day 254 – Cuzco, Peru Today was a rainy day, so I didn’t adventure outside much. I went to the Mercado San Pedro, a market renowned for its food diversity, but as it was late in the afternoon, it wasn’t as spectacular as it should probably be. Still, it was nice. On the way back,…

By Elisabeth 08/02/2019 Off

Circuito Religioso Arzobispal

Circuito Religioso Arzobispal

Day 253 – Cuzco, Peru I won’t say much about yesterday. I was sick again, a mild tourista I guess, though I have been careful about local food and water, and I spent the day in bed feeling very sorry for myself. Today I was feeling better, so I adventured out again. Since I had…

By Elisabeth 07/02/2019 Off

Museo Inka

Museo Inka

Day 251 – Cuzco, Peru I have some catching-up to do! I’ve added pictures to the Cuzco Gallery too, so head there for more. My main visit today was to the Inca Museum. I learned about the architecture, and the importance of lamas in the culture -as provider of meat and wool, and the ceremonial…

By Elisabeth 05/02/2019 Off

Chocolate Museum

Chocolate Museum

Day 250 – Cuzco, Peru I have been sleeping a lot these last days, arriving by night bus, watching the Superbowl until late at night (kidding, I left before the end. I had to look up who won, although the Patriots were well in the lead when I left.) But today the sun is peeking,…

By Elisabeth 04/02/2019 Off



Day 247 – Cuzco, Peru I love when they say that the bus will arrive at 6am and it arrives at 5:30am. What are you supposed to do that early in the day? I finally accepted the offer of a taxi driver -good thing I had some local currency!-, who touted his official status -guide…

By Elisabeth 02/02/2019 Off



Day 246 – Copacabana, Bolivia This was my last day in Copacabana. I had decided to take a night bus to Cuzco, so I was leaving at 6pm. I was awoken at 7am by a brass band going down the street and petards were been joyously let off in the town. I knew that around…

By Elisabeth 01/02/2019 Off