Running after a phone
Day 271 – Quito, Ecuador
How I ran around today. Going to the post office to send things back to France -“Without a receipt/invoice you cannot send more than three of each kind”-, which includes finding a box and buying tape.
Dropping laundry because, laundry day, and this time I had miscalculated, so I wore my emergency clothing -that don’t fit that well or/and have buttons that tend to pop open.
Switching my SIM card led to the SIM card tray breaking -it had been shaky for a while-, so I ran around trying to find a replacement, and when that didn’t happen, trying to find a cheap temporary phone that could connect to the wi-fi -since mine decided it was above such mundane task- and take the SIM card. I hate that new phone as it doesn’t respond well, the screen having its own idea of what my fingers are trying to do.
(Somewhere along the way I lost the local SIM card I had bought, since I had only a few hours left in the country, I decided I would survive the loss.)
Getting the laundry back, and packing it in my bag. Taking a last shower. Making sure I get rid of my change, keeping only my bills.
And after much thoughts and discussion with other travellers, I decided against taking a taxi straight to the airport (fixed fare of $25), instead taking a taxi to the bus terminal ($4) and a direct bus to the airport ($2). Twice as long, a quarter of the price.
Since I left at 8:30 pm for a flight at 1 am that night, I wasn’t worried.