Wellington – 2

Wellington – 2

18/11/2018 Off By Elisabeth

Day 172 – Wellington, New Zealand

Since the weather forecast yesterday morning announced sunshine for yesterday and rain for today, I had decided to go to the gardens yesterday and to the museum today. So of course yesterday it rained and today we had blue skies. (And wind. Don’t forget the wind, Wellington is renowned for it.)

I did walk to the museum, but that was after taking advantage of the path over the wharves and quays for pedestrians, complete with benches, playgrounds, and giant sea urchins sculpture (that from the back could be mistaken for Nessie, see above). I also enjoyed the guitar player.

I’m still behind with my pictures, as I’m still limited in my internet access, so bear with me!

On for the next days: I’m taking the ferry tomorrow morning for the South Island. I’ll have for fellow passenger a French woman who was in my room in Rotorua and who I just met again in the corridor!

After a stop near Nelson with friends of friends, I’ll head to the Abel Tasman National Park, where there is a Great Walk (a New Zealand speciality, a hiking trail of several days) following the coast and graded “easy”. Since it is on the coast, numerous affordable water taxis ply the waters at different legs of the Walk, allowing one to go back to one’s hostel at night. Nifty.