Good morning Mister Sunshine (you brighten up my day)
Day 150 – Pacific Harbour, Fiji Islands
The sun is peaking back today, so I took a few more pictures, notably of the very different palm trees arrayed in the grounds. Except the coconut palm tree, I don’t know their name, but they are striking in their differences. (And there are different species of coconut palm trees, so!)
I’m having a last lunch at my beach resort before taking the bus to Nadi. Of course, with the nice weather, I would love to go swimming… but everything is packed and in the luggage storage locker.
I added a picture of my bed hooking system: since I seldom have a side table, I found some aluminium S-shaped hooks (thank you Muji), and what I don’t want to leave on the floor, I hang on the hook: bracelet, cable, phone, watch… I also found a small bag with a pincer, originally a can holder for a car, but I can stuff a pack of tissues and my glasses in it.
Travel tip: a hooking system
Of course, it depends on my having the bottom bunk and the upper bunk having a place to slide the hooks.
I should also think about taking them in the bathroom as extra hanging hooks for my stuff.
Speaking of glasses, it took me three months and walking on a neighbouring sleeper’s glasses to realize that I could use the extra, rigid glass case (that I was using as a small objects’ storage box in my backpack) to store them at night and stuff them under my pillow. (That was before the can holder discovery.) Actually, I think it is a pencil case (Muji again), I’m not sure, but I bought it as a spare glass case, so there it is.
The invisible critter struck again last night, that time at 4 am. The rustling of the bag woke me up, and I’m afraid a few other people, though nobody said a thing. I ended up taking the bag outside and storing it in the trash bin for the night, looking inside to find a hole in the bag itself. So I guess my night visitor wasn’t stuck inside but making its way inside.
It also made its way into a pack of crackers, so this morning I threw that away, threw the bag also (a shame, it was a nicely thick plastic bag that I had used for groceries since I got it in Coober Peddy), and ate the last pack of cracker.
So the mystery is resolved: a rodent of some kind made its way into my bag and didn’t take the previous night’s action as a no.
If anything notable happens in the next day or so, I will write before leaving Fiji, but otherwise, my next article my well be from New Zealand.
(Title courtesy of a song I like.)
Magnifiques tes palmiers! J’ai essayé de trouver leurs noms, mais n’ai pas réussi. IL y a le palmier de Hillebrand qui semble être le petit en pousse encore vert tendre.
Tu n’as pas pu faire de photo de coucher de soleil, évidemment, derrière tes palmiers, avec la pluie et le vent…Mais on en eu d’autres!
Tu es en train de rentrer à Nadi…bon voyage chez les Kiwi!