Coconut trees

Coconut trees

16/10/2018 Off By Elisabeth

Day 138 – Nadi, Fiji Islands

I had a nice, leisurely day. I got up on time for brunch, which I took under the boughs of a flowering bush.

Of course, bush means birds, and birds mean that I’m happy not to have hair on my head because I would have felt the need of several shampoos before I felt clean again. Shaved skin is so much easier to clean up.

Of course, I hadn’t yet given my laundry to wash… with my towel, and I realized later that I wouldn’t have it back on time for my next shower. Which is why it pays to have an extra pareo to use for this kind of situation.

I took the bus to get downtown. My hostel is on the beach, but between the airport and the city itself. Fortunately there is a regular bus, every half an hour, which I missed. Of course it started to rain, a tropical, heavy rain, but I found shelter.

I was also fortunate to follow our course on Google map, because the indication to  go down at the second stop would have had me stranded in the middle of nowhere. As it is, I didn’t know one street to the next where we would turn or stop. Bus in foreign cities, always a bit of fun.

The shops here prepare for Diwali, which is an interesting change from the Halloween displays in Sydney.

But I got the shopping I wanted done, went back to my stop and hardly waited for the next bus. Lucky me. Next time I will manage far better.

We even had a rainbow on the way back.

So, tomorrow, the island; for logistical reasons I won’t take my computer, so I will try to write on my phone, but no promise.

Oh, and the mosquitoes are back, too.