Earthquakes in Indonesia: I’m still not there.
I’m closer to the island of Lombok where the earthquakes have taken place, though, since I arrived in Bali.
However, I checked with my travel agency before confirming my plans to travel here and I receive official notifications about the situation, in case anything should change.
Donation boxes in favour of the people living on the island are presented at many points throughout Indonesia, both in major touristic sites such as Borobudur but also more modestly at coffee shops, near bus stations, and so on.
Edit: The fun thing with a bed with an old mattress, is that any shaking is amplified. There was a new earthquake near Lombok, with an aftershock 20 min or so later, but I was sitting outside for that one and barely felt it.
My new bookmark is the “latest earthquakes in the world” by the US Geological Survey, where I fill surveys on how much was felt where I was in addition of checking what is happening.
Sûrement très intéressant, mais je te supplie de ne pas faire de travaux pratiques et de ne pas être dans un tremblement de terre!