Things travels are fun for
– Learning your passport number by heart.
– Never forgetting again the code to your padlock.
– Trying new foods, just because, and regretting it -or putting it on your list of must-have.
– Walking into a shop and going out bewildered without having bought anything, because nothing was remotely familiar.
– And being convinced that eating dry sticks of seaweed as a snack is a thing. Just not for you.
– Going somewhere on an impulse, especially if it is in the opposite direction you were supposed to go.
– Talking with strange people, having surreal conversations.
– Keeping up with the World Cup scores mostly with your taxi drivers.
– Having strange currency conversion tables in your head.
– Buying strange fruits/flowers just because. Especially when you don’t have a knife, or don’t know how to eat them.
– Laughing with the shopkeeper/pharmacist when trying to explain you want water purifying tablets and them answering that the local bottled water is very safe to drink.
– Watching a scooter driving by with the driver holding a ladder horizontally. On the highway.
– Eating blueberry jelly out of a doypack, thinking to be careful of spills in case of stains -to check and see the jelly has no colour.
– Drinking fruit sodas with chewy things in it.
– Having a stock of straws, because obviously you can’t drink out of a bottle without one, and of course you must have one straw per bottle. Thank you 7-Eleven.
– Buying snacks that are covered in cheese on one side and in sugar on the other.
– Accepting that sometimes you will have to wear dirty clothes.
– Not finding a knife in Asia.
– Buying a -fake- Totoro phone holding ring when the previous one broke, because it was the least horrible of the choices.
…and so on…
The crab you shouldn’t climb on: