Day 51 – Krabi, Thailand
I let my gorgeous island this morning for the mainland. I’m staying at Hogwarts… Hostel. Yes, there is a theme.
I have finely a strong internet connexion, so I have uploaded many more picture of Ko Yao Noi island, please see in the gallery.
But a few words about these past days. I’ve been swimming, especially since I got swimming googles and go out at high tide to avoid the rocks. I’ve also been walking a bit farther than my beach.
I’ve also taken on the offer of the owner to take me to the market. Here, they have the equivalent of sidecars but in the form of a platform with benches and sometimes a canopy, where you can sit or load merchandises. The market was a small street segment with tourist shops and food stalls and market stalls.
I bought fruits and diner, and chose a “plum and soda” drink. Let’s just say that the plums involved are not the sweet fruits of Western origins but the salt-and-sour kind that delight Japanese people. It was disgusting, and the people who tried it after me were of the same opinion. So.
The owner took me for a loop inland, in the middle of rice paddies and water buffaloes, and took me to a coconut grove where the lady cut a coconut out of a tree for me (freshness guaranteed), opened it for me to drink the water, then, having fashioned a spoon with a bit of coconut, opened it in two so I could eat the meat.
On the way back, we passed a group of children who cried gaily “Hello, hello”, which is charming, then one or two, visibly having watched the wrong kind of Youtube video, started twerking. A lot less charming from a 8-year-old (?) boy.
Two days ago, when my bungalow was cleaned, I got a different mosquito net, bigger (and blue instead of pink), that made my night a lot more comfortable to have more space to lie underneath, and gave me a canopy bed.
So that’s how my bungalow looks like on the inside.
So, I left this morning, took a boat from the island to the mainland without going back to Phuket, then as soon as I came out, taxi drivers tried to take me to Krabi: 700 bahts, then 500 hundred when I said I was looking for a cheaper alternative. Like the shared tuk-tuk (that is more a public bus), which for 100 bahts took me to the main bus station of Krabi, where I took another vehicle (50 bahts) to the active part of the city… where I had an eye on my hostel. The driver, when I told him as was French, congratulated me right away on our football victory.
So I found my hostel, booked a room, wrote this note, and now I’m going in search of a late lunch and activities to do around here. I wouldn’t be against staying a day or two before moving on.