Water management

08/06/2018 Off By Elisabeth

You know they tell you not to drink any water that doesn’t come from a sealed bottle in Asia. That makes for a costly thirst in weather that makes you sweat buckets and leaves a heavy ecological footprint. Is there an answer to that problem?

Patience and purifying tablets.

You can’t escape having to buy some bottled water, if only to get a container. Depending on the place, in Cambodia a dollar buys you half a litre or a litre and a half (ice-cold) bottle. If, like me, you drink more than two litres in a four-hour temple visit, you see how it climbs up in a week.

So every evening I fill several big bottles with around a litre of water, add a purifying tablet, which needs at least two hours to work, and in the morning I empty some into partially-filled others, until I have at least an empty bottle in which to start the cycle again…

It is lucky that I can leave the extra bottles in the tuk-tuk between visits, so I don’t have to lug them all around with me!