The backpack challenge
Travelling a long time usually means taking heavy luggages. Heavy luggages, however, means back aches, sore shoulders, and that moment when you realise that you will have to travel hours on a bus/boat/car with your suitcase/backpack on your knees.
Having read other travellers’ accounts, I decided to follow their advice and to use a smaller backpack, cabin sized, with a handbag. They also recommand to make sure to have a light bag, because trudging along with 25kg on your back -though thoroughly educative on what it must feel to be a snail- makes you want to ditch that hair dryer taken “just in case”.
That means travelling with the less belongings possible, amassing as few new stuff as possible along the way. Some hard choices will have to be made…
But. I left with a backpack, cabin-sized, weighing 10.650 kg, and a cross-body bag weighing 2.850 (Or was it 3.850?), we will have to weigh that when I come back to see how much I used/kept/added/ditched on the away.
Bravo pour le sac à dos ! Ça change la vie en voyage !
Tu n’as pas eu de souci pour le poids en cabine ? Certains low-costs exigent moins de 8 kg il me semble.
Techniquement en effet il n’aurait pas du passer, mais on ne m’a rien demandé ce coup-ci, donc je me suis bien gardée de faire des vagues.
Par contre lundi avec Air AIa, je ne sais pas si ça va se passer aussi facilement…