Hiking the Grand Canyon
Day 119 – The Grampians, Australia
You are all thinking that I’m in the wrong country, I bet. Well, one of the loop is called Grand Canyon, so there it is. And I’m cheating on the picture heading the article as I took it the day before at MacKenzie Falls.
So today was the second day of the Grampians program. Instead of leaving the campground early with hardly any breakfast, I took the time to boil water, eat, prepare my lunch instead of doing it in the middle of a parking lot, tidy up the back as I wasn’t expecting to still be camping tonight.
(I can’t leave the bed extended during the day as that necessitate the driver’s seat to be pulled forward, and I need it fully pushed back.)
As a warm-up, I walked down Splitters Falls (why do falls so often have steep trails?).
The Grampians – Splitters Falls – Look at the shadow that looks like a rabbit
Back up the creek, I walked the Grand Canyon loop, which was quite short. I wonder if I took a wrong turn and ended it early?
The Grampians – Grand Canyon – It almost looks like a rearing horse and rider, doesn’t it?
I went back to the car to drive to the next point, where I went on the relatively short Lakeview Lookout loop.
The Grampians – Lakeview Lookout
And I went on the longer Sundial Peak walk, one hour each way, with again a bright sun shining. I really was grateful for my trekking poles, as they give me more balance and support when going up and down narrow, steep tracks.
The Grampians – Sundial Peak Lookout
The lake here is the same as in Lakeview Lookout’s picture, but as you can see, I was a bit more on the right.
And that was enough hiking. By putting my different walks together, I walked a few hours each day, and I really enjoyed myself.
I drove the two hours south to reach the coast, and I’m writing from my hostel at Warrnambool. This town is reputed for winter whale-watching… which is now! Wish me luck!
Je viens de lire tes dernières additions!
Je craque devant les kangourous, et la maman avec son bébé qui broutent ensemble: bravo!
Tes vues sont époustouflantes: n’est-ce pas trop difficile d’être seule à les admirer sans pouvoir faire des Oh! et des Ah! ?
La Mackenzie fall aussi est magnifique!
Quelle chance que tu nous envoies toutes ces photos! Merci!
On pourra voir aussi l’intérieur de ton camping car?
Pour les kangourous, je regardais les mamans brouter et je trouvais que la tête des bébés penchait bien bas… Etj’ai réalisé que les bébés broutaient depuis leur poche ! J’ai eu la chance d’avoir une maman sous le bon angle pour la prendre en vidéo.
Je partage mes paysages ici, ce n’est pas frustrant ! D’ailleurs hier j’en ai partagé un de là-haut, puisque j’avais du réseau !
Ce matin il pleut. Je vais pouvoir laver un peu mon tableau de chasse de moustiques à l’avant et la poussière à l’arrière !