Two months!
Day 61 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Two months since I left France! Tomorrow will be two months since I arrived in Asia, thanks to travelling Eastwards.
I left Malacca this morning, with regrets because I really enjoyed the city and the hostel.
I booked a cheap hostel in Kuala Lumpur, and once again, you get what you pay for. My bed is a smallish mattress on the floor (the receptionist was very apologetic about it), there isn’t any locker for valuables, so I’m been lugging my computer all day with me (and what to do about them while in the shower?), the towel is ratty, there is no free drinking water (Edit: yes there is, just tucked away), the showers and the bathrooms are showing their age, there is no paper toilet, and so on.
And they offer laundry services at 8 ringgits the kilo, when a laundromat will charge 6 ringgits for a load, and about the same for the dryer. So let’s say 12 ringgits for a 6kg load.
After dropping my backpack at the hostel, I went walking around, found myself in a shopping mall with too many temptations, and walked out with more bags than I went in with.
To compensate, I walked to the Forest Eco Park, a park with trees (well, a tropical forest), monkeys, nature trails, and a canopy walk made of interlinked plank bridges at the height of the trees’ canopy (hence the name). I enjoyed walking the trails and watching the monkeys using the walkways’ staircase to jump into trees. I quite understand how, when you want to gain height, walking up the stairs (or the guardrail, let’s not be picky) is easier and potentially faster than climbing the tree.
I wasn’t expecting to see monkeys, so that was the high point of the day!
After the park, I went slowly back to the hostel, used my waterproof bag thoughtfully bought in Thailand to put my valuables in, took my shower without worries, wrote my article and went to bed.
Joli ton chemin au niveau de la canopée!
J’aime bien aussi tes photos de ville, si variées!
Oui, 2 mois depuis que tu es partie! Tes impressions de vagabonde?