Day 320 – Vancouver, Canada
I was hoping for the same nice weather as yesterday, so I went on a long walk along the sea in downtown Vancouver. It held mostly true, though the wind was quite present as well!
Walking along the seafront, I was lucky to see a heron waiting for fish in the shallows. It was so still that I thought for a while that it was a statue.
A bit further on, I came across Inukshuk. Who or what is it, you may wonder: though it is not a person, it is human-shaped; it is an Inuit symbol, used as a landmark, and represents also hospitality and friendship.
Vancouver – Inukshuk
I had to wait my turn to take unimpeded pictures, but we weren’t that many tourists here this day. I went on my walk and reached Stanley Park. I was on a side I hadn’t visited yet, with a different vista over the sea. I stopped for a picnic, but the wind soon drew me back to activity and the promise of a warm dorm room!
Taking a slightly different route back, I came upon a group of guys laughing. Really laughing.
Vancouver city center
It’s the same guy -the artist, actually- in different laughing situations. So that’s how you introduce some more joy into the world!
And then I walked by to my warm, cozy hostel.
Flight home: D-6